Archive for July, 2009

Village East Adventure (Exhausted, but Worth It)


April 18, 2009 — I was still in the Philippines for my vacation and after weeks of countless things to do to make up for my seven year absence from my hometown,   I had nothing to do. I have other things planned but not until the next few days or so. And there I was, struck by complete boredom. After a day of photo walk through Angono, visiting my old house, my cousin’s old house and other important Angono landmarks, I decided that the next morning, now that the spirit of nostalgia is alive in me, I will climb up the infamous Village East and take some SUNRISE photos.

Why infamous you might ask? Back when I was younger, me, my family, my cousins and their family would climb up this mountain, if we have time, for an early morning exercise during the weekends. We would wake up at around 4:30 am to get ready then off we go. It was such a great experience growing up. After you persevere and fight through the pain of climbing this very steep mountain, at the end of your journey, you are welcomed by the warm smile of the morning sun and the gentle breeze of the wind.

April 19, 2009, 4:30 am– And so, bravely I did the same. I asked my aunt to please wake me up to climb up Village East. This time, I will climbVillageEastSunrise01-2 only with my camera by my side, one small bottle of water and an extra shirt. No family member with me; my cousin Roi and Bryan wanted to come along but it was too early for them and I believe they have work that day. Also, I insisted on going by myself. This was something I had to do because of two things: first, at that time, I felt that I was gaining so much weight because of eating too much and splurging on food I haven’t had for seven years. Second, I wanted to practice photography and it would be really nice to do some sunrise photos, something I haven’t done before because I hate to wake up early.

And so my journey began. As the cock crowed, I walked as fast as I could. Before, we used to stop at the halfway point of the climb, but that day, I climbed on. I wanted to catch the sunrise. While walking, I was thinking about where the sun would be and how I would compose my images. It was such a mistake that I only took one small bottle of water. Three quarters of the way there, I almost finished the bottle.

VillageEastSunrise04And so I reached the top. It was a gratifying feeling to be able to accomplish something you set out to do. While I was looking at the sun, a group of teenagers came up to where I was. They also took the same journey as I did. Woke up early, admired the majesty of the morning sun, and was just enjoying the company of each other. They did not know who I was but they were generous enough to ask me to join them to share the little food they brought along the way. They said “kuya kain tayo”.  They didn’t care if I was a good person or not, they just wanted to share what they had. This made me feel even more joyful and grateful to share that moment with those kindhearted teens. My adventure was really worth it!!! Well, I  hope you enjoy this little adventure story of mine. I was exhausted but very happy at the same time. Below are some of the photos I’ve taken. Please enjoy.

Jollibee Angono, Rizal Branch

Jolibee Angono Rizal BranchDate and Time: April 22. 2009 12:12 pm

Location: Unishoppe 2, Angono, Rizal Philippines

Owner-type Jeep

owner-type_jeepDate and Time: April 17, 2009 11:30 am

Location: Dona Justa Phase 1, Angono Rizal

Angono Rooftop

angono powerline01This is the current view from the rooftop of my Grandmother’s house. It used to be a lot different when I was younger. Back then, we used to go up here all the time to watch the Angono fiestas and pick fruit from the neighbor’s santol tree. The roof was made of  steel and plastic(for skylight). We would always be scared of stepping on to the plastic roof  because of the “incident” with kuya mel. My cousins would know what I am talking about.  hahahaha!!!

angono roof01
I remember running around here and the roof would screech so loud that “Inang” (my grandma) would be so mad at us. Now that my cousins and I are A LOT BIGGER, this roof would collapse if all of us would even try to climb up here at once, never mind walking or running around.

angono roof entrance01Above is the entrance to the rooftop. I believe everyone has a great memory of this roof. It goes way back to my mom’s early years. She would tell us stories about how she used to sneak out at night, climb down the roof and go to her parties.

Now, no one goes up the rooftop for fun anymore. Tita Bebe, Inang and Sangko would go up once in a while to hang their laundry and that’s it. I miss the old times. I miss the carelessness of my childhood.  I miss the joy rooftop brings.

The Sea

islandhopping01The Sea(1994-1995)

Lillian B. Rose

The sea, the sea: calling out to you and me
Waves rush in to caress the sand
Only to roll out again

The sea, the sea: calmness in its water
But in one fowl swoop
The calm has turned sour

The sea, the sea: breezes clear as day
Salty air meets our lips
Longer, will we stay?

The sea, the sea: soft sand beneath our feet
Breeze cooling our hot hands
One look at your eyes and I Know

The sea, the sea: our ally and friend
The seascape drawing us in
In triumph, two sweethearts together
Creating Minstrels in the sand.